Almun / mun

pronouns He/They
mbti + sign INTP, virgo
more about you Im into Danmei, Genshin, Pokemon and many other games. i do selective fb, also i like chocolate.

Before you interact

I talk in caps and keymash a lot. Fiction does NOT equal reality, some things i might post or like you might find disturbing or weird, be nice and block me instead of harassing.


Please DNI if

You harass people over fictional likes.
Basic dni criteria.
you're under 15.

music breakcore, ambient, dreamy strings, rock, anything actually, just give me a good rhythm games, league of legends, genshin impact, FGOdanmei bab, tgcf, svsss, mdzs, qianqiu, 2ha, qjj, tlmw, dfr, tbfyl, yuwu, htsav